We Buy Small


Yosemite invests to help small companies achieve their goals with a highly collaborative approach and a long term view.

About Us

Patient, collaborative investors, experts at growing small businesses

Small business growth
We founded Yosemite Capital specifically to invest in and grow small businesses. We partner with management teams, families and owner/executives to deliver results for our companies and investors.

Small Company Success

We focus exclusively on buying small, profitable companies. We are an ideal partner for owners seeking liquidity, families completing generational transitions, and managers seeking to acquire their companies. Over the years we have consistently demonstrated a knack for working collaboratively and productively with management teams to achieve the company’s goals.
Small business success


Hands-Free Cost Allocation to Field

The cost allocation technology measures, records, and shows back the true operating spend by field.

Financial Impact Analsis

Technology to analyze the financial impact of fieldwork performance.

Monitoring of Equipment, Trucks

Remotely see the mix fleet of different make, model and age, wherever they are, in a single view to improve communication and productivity.

Client Cases

Coming soon.

I need to track fields where equipment is overtime due to customers' unique requirements so that I can adjust my pricing for that customer.


I'm in


Arsalan Lodhi

Justin Durdan

Arsala Khan

Qummer Laiq

usman syed

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